...from here to Mackay QLD it is 1918 kilometres.
It's official. After weeks of thinking, deciding, interviewing, updating qualifications and finally accepting, Mark is taking up a new job as an electrician...in Queensland. Actually, it's not so bad. It is a fly in/fly out position, with nine days on (in QLD), followed by five days off (back here), looking after a giant machine that runs on the coal rail lines and somehow 'cleans' them by lifting the tracks and ballast up, shaking them, and laying it all back down again. To me it sounds like it violates a law or two of physics, but I'm assured that this is what it does. It can't be easy though - apparently this machine is high maintenance and quite temperamental - and from what I can gather Mark's new role will include giving it regular pep talks and soothing pats.
We're both looking forward to it, no doubt for different reasons. For me, there is relief that Mark has found something interesting and challenging to do that is also financially rewarding, plus a perverse kind of excitement at flying solo as a parent (I know, I'm sure this will pass) and (re) learning how to spend productive time on my own (I know, I'm sure this will pass too!).
Mark's start date coincides with the annual big machine clean-a-thon (or something) so he will be doing a regular nine day stint, followed by a special five day stint, to be followed by another nine day stint. Yes, this means that his first trip away will be 22 days. After this, I'm sure nine days will seem like a piece of cake.