Thursday, 8 May 2008


We took a trip to Melbourne to pick up a chair purchased on ebay, which didn't look quite as fabulous in the flesh as on the screen and in my imagination, but they never do, do they? We had a hour to fill and did so with lunch at a little Malvern cafe. Martha was trying her best to be inner city cool and aloof, so was of course mortified when I tried to take her photo in front of the other patrons. Had a moment to drop by bes62 which, unlike the chair, was every bit as lovely as I thought it would be, jammed to the rafters with that wonderful old furniture in painted huon pine and red cedar. Much as I am seduced by Danish modern with all its fancy designer credentials, when I go to a place like that I realise that that is the kind of furniture that I'd most love to rest my elbows on - straightforward, solid, utilitarian, for kneading dough on. Got home to find the new Diggers catalogue (Winter issue) in the letterbox. Citrus! Potatoes! Berries! Self pollinating almonds! Yeah, Melbourne was great and all that, but really, I'm a country girl at heart.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

seeing the light

Martha's solution for low hanging early winter sun.